Minggu, 10 Maret 2013

Lowongan Supervisor, Admin, dan Mekanik/Montir di PT. TECHNO MOTOR INDONESIA

Batas pendaftaran: Lihat info
Penempatan kerja: Seluruh Indonesia (Lihat Info)

PT. TECHNO MOTOR INDONESIA yang bergerak dibidang bengkel umum sepeda motor “MR. MONTIR” berskala nasional saat ini membutuhkan tenaga kerja dengan posisi :

  1. Pria/Wanita, usia min.25 thn, min. D3
  2. Pengalaman Supervisor / Team Leader
  3. Berjiwa wirausaha
  4. Berorientasi pada Target
  1. Pria, SMK/SMU,
  2. Pengalaman montir sepeda motor min. 2 thn
  1. Pria, SMK/SMU,
  2. Pengalaman montir sepeda motor min. 1 thn
  1. Wanita, Usia max. 26 thn, Min. SMK/SMU
  2. Berpenampilan menarik
  3. Kemampuan komputer (MS. Office dan Internet)
  1. Pria, Usia max. 27 thn
  2. Kemampuan komputer (MS. Office dan Internet)
  3. Lebih disukai pengalaman dalam spare part motor
Persyaratan umum :
  1. Menyukai dunia otomotif
  2. Bersedia ditempatkan diseluruh cabang Mr. Montir

Jumat, 01 Maret 2013

BEASISWA/Scholarship : Beasiswa S1 Bournemouth University 2013

Batas pendaftaran : 31 Mei 2013
Lokasi Study : Inggris

Bournemouth University Undergraduate International Scholarship
September 2013 entry

This scholarship is offered to international applicants for BU undergraduate (Bachelor) degrees beginning in September 2013. You will be eligible to apply for a BU Undergraduate International Scholarship if you can demonstrate an outstanding academic profile relevant to your course. An outstanding academic profile is one which is considered to be equivalent to 3 Grade As at UK ′A′ Level as assessed by NARIC.

Who is eligible to apply for this scholarship?
All applicants classified as 'overseas' for fee purposes are eligible to apply.
To which courses does this scholarship apply?
Applicants for all three or four year full-time undergraduate (Bachelors) courses in the following Schools may apply:
  • School of Applied Sciences
  • Business School
  • School of Design, Engineering & Computing
  • School of Health & Social Care*
  • The Media School
  • School of Tourism.
*Eligible courses: BSc (Hons) Nutrition, BSc (Hons) Exercise Science, BA (Hons) Social Work and BA (Hons) Sociology & Social Policy.